Monday 23 January 2012

My Professional Facebook Page

Considering the amount of information floating around on the web, I figured it wasn't such a bad idea to give my future employers something nice to look at if they decided to go hunting on the web for my information; that is, if I really was the "Cooking Mama" whose impressive resume is shown on the following image.

(Click HERE to access the actual Facebook page)

Regardless of the fictional material on the Facebook page, let's pretend for this post that that information is actually mine. The act of putting the page together was important because it made me realize a few things: for starters, it was nice to be able to put together a virtual resume that could be accessed by others via a simple link. As individuals become more and more tech savvy, the days of paper and ink are being shed for convenience and easy manageability. With the link to this page, not only will future employers be able to access my information at any time (provided they have internet access), but they will also be able to see any updates and/or changes I make to this information immediately.

Additionally, having this page as a means to organize my information and attach it to a face (imagine my face where the '?' image is) makes it much more valuable than a simple, paper copy of my resume. A potential employer going through numerous resumes each day may not always link faces to paper. However, if they look at the Facebook page, they'll be able to directly match a face to the information listed on the page. With this page, I can promote my own professional image while connecting to employers. Like Marisa Salon mentions, our Facebook pages can function like a personal advert.

However, managing social media can be stressful at times, so here's a couple tips on how to keep up with social media this year.


  1. I really enjoyed reading the tips you found on how to keep up with social media. The one I found most relevant was keeping pages up to date. I do not like going on a company page and seeing their last post happened a month ago. A tip I disagree with is always adding a picture, just because an individual does not add a picture does not make their content any less important.

  2. I completely agree with you when you say attaching information to a face makes your resume much more valuable. Having a visual of image to match the information to, makes it easier for the employer to remember you and allows them to see the most up-to-date information (provided you continually up-date your information). Their is a problem with that though too. It would be much easier for an employer to discriminate against you before actually seeing your personality and interacting with you. It's hard to think that it happens, but unfortunately it does. Overall though technology seems to be benefiting the workforce when it comes to finding new employees or new employers.

  3. The idea of using a professional Facebook page as a virtual resume is new and intriuging to me! As future employers begin to become more tech-savvy and everyone else is trying to reduce the amount of paper used, the future of employment could possibly depend on social media sites, such as facebook!
    I love tips that you have shared wiht us for managing social media! As students, we do not always have time to be constantly checking for new updates, so having easier ways to see new posts by companies or potential employers is very useful!
